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- åBuilding a Help File
- Here, I describe briefly what you have to do to make a help file. These
- instructions apply whether or not you’ve decided to make the help file a
- real document, separate from your application.
- xWhat Is a Help File?
- Your Help on Wheels client application must have a help file, which the
- server can open when it’s time to display help. When it opens your help
- file, the server needs to find and display the information fast. Reading a
- mixed text/graphic format would take too long, so Help on Wheels uses a
- special format designed by John Norstad for his famous Disinfectant
- anti-virus application. This format consists of a collection of resources
- which can be quickly read and translated into a list data structure,
- complete with text, pictures, and indexing information. As improved for
- use with Help on Wheels, this format also allows for hypertext buttons
- and multilingual help files.
- xHow Do I Make One?
- You will need the special “wrap” and “cvrt” MPW tools and the Rez file
- HoWRez.{language}.r, provided in this developer’s kit, to produce a help
- file in this format. (A note to those familiar with Norstad’s source
- archive: These tools are not quite the same as the ones he provided, but
- they do use the same syntax, so the syntax description included here is
- his. The tools provided are guaranteed to work correctly for all uses
- described in these instructions. Please address any questions about these
- tools to me, not to Mr. Norstad.) The HoWSample Make file shows how
- the tools and Rez file were used to build this help file.
- You may have noticed that this help file, viewed through the help server,
- is a mixture of pictures and text. The help source document, however, is
- a plain text file. When reading this section, you may want to compare
- what you see through Help on Wheels with the help source document.
- To produce a help source document for your application, you can use any
- text editor which wraps long lines and is able to “save as text.”
- TeachText is fine; Microsoft Word is good too, as long as you remember
- to “save as text” and not to edit the pictures into the “.doc” file itself.
- MPW Shell is not good for this purpose, because it doesn’t wrap long lines.
- xWhat’s in a Source Document?
- The paragraphs you see in a help file like this one are just long lines of
- text in the help source document, with no carriage returns between lines.
- (The “wrap” tool does the line wrapping for you; the help server will
- re-wrap the lines when printing, according to the user’s Page Setup
- specifications.) There are usually two carriage returns between
- paragraphs, to ensure some white space between.
- Everything in a help source document that isn’t paragraph text is a
- markup directive. These directives are similar to those of markup
- languages such as GML and nroff. For example, the pictures you see in
- this help file are stored in the help file as 'PICT' resources. They were
- positioned between paragraphs using a simple markup directive in the help
- source document:
- \pict 429
- Other markup directives let you set the justification and style of a
- paragraph, like the centered italic text you have just read. You also use
- markup directives to put entries in the table of contents, break pages,
- build keep blocks, and so on.
- xHow Do I Index My Help File?
- The table of contents built from your markup directives appears in the
- server’s help window, so that the user can browse by topic. It also
- appears, complete with page numbers, at the front of the help file when
- printed. This method of indexing your help file is suitable for humans, but
- not for your client application.
- The other important use of markup directives is to put numeric tag values
- on important points in the help file. Tags have two main uses in Help on
- Wheels help files. First, they allow the client to summon information on a
- specific topic by citing a tag value when asking the server to display the
- help file. The server will scroll the help file to make the tag point visible.
- Second, they introduce blocks of information which the user can click to
- cause an action. These hypertext “buttons” may be single paragraphs or
- pictures, or several together, such as a figure and its caption.
- Hypertext tags are worth a closer look, because they can add a lot to the
- impact of your help file. Hypertext buttons in Help on Wheels are of two
- types: link buttons and hot buttons. When the user clicks a link button,
- the server scrolls to another part of the help file to display related
- information. With a hot button, the server activates the client and sends
- it a Help event, telling it which button was clicked. Your client can
- respond in any way you think is appropriate.
- Hypertext tags are distinguished from ordinary tags by their negative
- numbers. (Conventionally, hypertext paragraphs are underlined, but you
- must insert the style directive to make this happen.) The button extends
- from the hypertext tag to the next tag. You can use a “\tag 0” directive
- to end a hypertext block, if you have no other reason to put a tag there.
- The button is a link button only if there is another tag in the help file
- whose number is the same, but positive, indicating the target of the link.
- If there is no complementary target for the hypertext tag, then the button
- is a hot button.
- xPutting it Together
- Here I describe what MPW commands you need to build a help file. You
- should make these commands part of your Make file, as is the case with
- HoWSample.
- The MPW tools “cvrt” and “wrap” can be piped together, so that your
- help source document goes in one end, and your help file comes out the
- other. The following option values are standard for use with Help on
- Wheels: “wrap -r 335 -p”; “cvrt -w 345 -h 12”. In addition, “cvrt”
- needs to know the name of the file where the 'PICT' resources are stored
- (“-p”), and the ID numbers for the generated 'STR#' (“-i”), 'TCON'
- (“-t”), 'TAG ' (“-g”), and 'CELL' (“-c”) resources. There may actually
- be several 'STR#' resources, depending on the length of the source
- document and the number of “\str#” directives in it.
- [The following descriptions are reprinted from the source by John
- Norstad.]
- wrap -r xxxx [-p]
- xxxx = right margin in pixels.
- -p = if specified, add a special end-of-paragraph byte 31 to the end of
- each line.
- cvrt -o file1 -i nnn [-t aaa] [-g bbb] [-c ccc] [-p file2 -h xxx -w yyy]
- [file3]
- file1 = output resource file.
- nnn = starting STR# resource id.
- aaa = TCON resource id.
- bbb = TAG resource id.
- ccc = CELL resource id.
- file2 = pict resource file.
- xxx = height of report cells in pixels.
- yyy = width of report cells in pixels.
- file3 = input text file.
- The text file is converted to a consecutive sequence of STR# resources
- starting with id nnn.
- The source text is intermixed with special cvrt directives. Any line
- starting with the character ‘\’ is treated as a directive. Directives must
- be all lower case. The syntax checking by this tool is minimal.
- \str#
- Starts a new STR# resource.
- \tcon title
- Table of contents entry. The title and the current line number (zero
- based) are saved in the TCON resource.
- \tag nnn
- Tag resource entry. The number nnn and the current line number (zero
- based) are saved in the TAG resource.
- \style xxx xxx xxx
- The next text line is drawn in the specified style or styles. xxx may be
- any of the following:
- normal (default)
- bold
- italic
- underline
- outline
- shadow
- condense
- extend
- \just xxx
- The next text line or picture is drawn with the specified justification.
- xxx may be any of the following:
- left (default for text lines)
- center (default for pictures)
- right
- \size xxx
- Print the following line of text xxx% larger than normal. Printing only.
- The normal font size is multiplied by xxx%, then truncated. For
- non-laserwriters it is then rounded down to the nearest font size which
- can be printed without Font Manager scaling.
- \only xxx xxx
- The next text line or picture or table of contents entry should only be
- output as specified. xxx may be any of the following:
- screen Only in the report on the screen.
- print Only in the printed document.
- save Only in the saved document.
- The default for text lines is: screen print save
- The default for pictures is: screen print
- The default for tcon entries is: screen print
- \pict id
- A picture from the pict resource file should be inserted at this point.
- “id” is the resource id of the pict.
- \page noheader
- Start a new page. Printing only. The “noheader” parameter is optional.
- If the parameter is present, header printing is disabled until the next
- “\page” directive is encountered.
- \keep
- Keep the following block of text on the same page. Force a page break if
- necessary. Printing only. Paragraphs are always kept on a page, never
- split across page boundaries.
- \endkeep
- End a keep block. Printing only.
- \itcon nnn
- Insert table of contents. Printing only.
- nnn = total number of printing tcon entries. This number must be adjusted
- by hand whenever you add or remove tcon entries (sorry). It is verified
- at the end of the cvrt run, and if it is incorrect the correct value is
- printed in an error message (this helps a bit).
- The same ID numbers you gave to “cvrt” should also appear in the Rez
- command as values for the defined symbols “HoWi”, “HoWt”, “HoWg”,
- and “HoWc”. Another symbol “HoWa” specifies the ID number of the
- generated 'ALRT', 'DITL', and 'STR ' resources. If your help file is the
- application itself, be careful not to choose ID numbers which collide with
- any defined for your application’s own use. All of these ID numbers
- should be in the range allocated for applications (128 to 32767). The
- defined symbol “languageCode” can also be set.
- See the section entitled “Language Support” for more details.
- If your help file is separate from your application, it must have type
- 'HoW!' and creator 'HoW?' in order to be a double-clickable Help on Wheels
- document. As well as the necessary “-t” and “-c” options, your Rez
- command should include an option of the form “-d
- application=∂"HoWSample∂"” (or “-d extension=∂"HoWSampleExt∂"” if
- your program is an extension or control panel) to direct
- HoWRez.{language}.r to generate an alert string resource, which will help
- the user get a readable TeachText version if the server is not available.
- It is likely that your documentation will change over time. If your help
- file is separate from your application, new versions of the help file may
- be incompatible with old versions of the application, and vice versa. To
- help prevent errors, Help on Wheels offers an optional client version
- checking capability. To use it, include options of the form “-d
- version=0x0101 -d versionString=∂"1.0.1∂"” in your Rez command.
- This will direct HoWRez.{language}.r to generate a version resource,
- visible using Finder’s Get Info dialog. HoWSample’s Make file and C
- source code show how to tie these options to the application so that
- version checking is enforced. If the help file contains a version resource,
- and the version code is not the same as that supplied by the application at
- the time of registration, an error (wrongVersionErr) is returned to the
- application.
- You will need a separate Rez command to merge the 'PICT' resource file
- into the help file, because the “cvrt” tool doesn’t do this for you. The
- HoWSample Make file shows one way to do this.